
Wouldnt you love to be homeless? (start here)


This is meant to be a guide to help anyone currently, about to, or dreaming of living on the streets of the United States, (eventually it will extend to overseas when I get a passport). As with everything, take it with a grain of salt. It is after all but only a guide. God bless America land of oppertunities!


Guide to being homeless categories of interest....

Where to start?




Cops and Law Enforcement


Recipes For Cheap



Safe places to sleep


Making Money


My Ideology and personal epiphanies along the way...


About the Author...

Life on the run, has me in an unpredictable predicament. Living out of my car and my backpack has been the ultimate reason to start this journal, which hopefully can help anyone who is either in my situation, or would just like to get away from it all, and live on the streets.




Feel free to contact me at any time, and suggest new tips I havent thought of, or just comment on anything I have written. Most of these tips came from either myself, or friends, and homeless people I have met aong the way. What works for one, may not work for everyone, so take what you can use, and ad where you feel the need.

A friends suggestion...

"Get yourself a full tenter's camping set up, you can scrounge up much of it, camp in legal places whenever you can, ask for leftovers and believe me there ain't a campground out there that is not overburdened with discarded stuff like Coldman Fuel for camp stoves and coolers and folding chairs and you may get anything from that source. Communicate well and like to get to know people, many people in this world just want and need some good conversation so stay clean and be yourself and you should do well as a travlin' man. " - ursusdave

If you plan on being on the road for some time, invest in a laptop with wireless connection, you can find an unprotected wireless router to connect to just about anywhere. Fuck paying for internet. If a coffe shop is all you can find, sit outside of it on the sidewalk till you get kicked out, or offered some free food. The internet is your best advantage. If you cant afford a laptop, you can always find free internet and a computer someplace. Libraries are the most common, but colleges, coffee shops, even bookstores can be a good source of free internet.If you stay with people, ask to use their computer. You will want the internet for a number of reasons. it keeps you connected to friends, it can help you find a quick job, a rideshare, a new friend, even a relationship.

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